Friday, September 17, 2010

Task 6 - Audio Keyframes

A simple task, there is an audio provided and we find an image from a previous task and converting audio into keyframes animated the character to 'bop' to the beat. By  opening audio into keyframes it recreates the audio values but in key frames. These key frames can be copied into the character's position values via copy/paste but to be a different value (position etc,) you have to link it to the layer through 'expression'.

The character was then copied twice (one layer with audio key frames other not) and masked so that in the animated character only the top half can be seen and is joined to the non-animated bottom half of the other dog are together to create the 'full' dog image. When this is played the top half will move to the audio key frames while the bottom half is still creating the 'bopping' sensation. Also the audio key frames can be adjustment manually - I had intensified the reaction of the character to the audio keyframes by pullin up their values in the curve-keyframes

This concept of audio key frames is quite interesting and usefull tool, espescially in video - is this how they make those flickeringbackgrouns and edges during movies.

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